About Allan


Awakening the hearts of men and women to the deepest sense of love and truth they are capable of.

I serve men and couples because I know the power of transformation that can occur when we are willing to answer the call.


I am where I am only because of practice, vision, dedication, and the support of good people. I am incredibly grateful to be able to take the wisdom I’ve gleaned from my own experience and training and share it with the men & women I work with.


Living on purpose, leading with heart, cultivating a thriving intimate relationship, knowing I have men who have my back… I am blessed.


And yet, life is life.


There are moments of inescapable struggle, and moments of indescribable joy, all strung together on the same ineffable thread.

Despite having a solid meditation practice for many years, I, like so many other men, trudged through much of my life stuck in my head. I tried with confusion to approach purpose, partnerships, and personal power on my own. Lack of confidence and despair were mainstays in the makeup of my day-to-day.
Growing up, like most men, I was never given the tools to express myself fully, without fear. I was quieted in the expression of my emotions. I wasn’t shown how to approach the realms of sex and intimacy or how to dance with the masculine and feminine energies of a partnership.

I was never initiated out of boyhood and into manhood.  My masculine edge was dulled and my heart was weak. 


And so I cleaved to the safety of the feminine, finding reprieve and comfort in the distracting form of video games, porn, and drugs, habits that I struggled with into my 20’s. 

This led me to create a confused and neurotic way of relating to women, one where I was either aloof and callous yet charismatic, or highly anxious, overly sensitive, and attached. I struggled as well with creating meaningful relationships with other men, who I judged and critiqued from a distance, never letting my heart lead the way. 

Meditation alone was not enough. I started attending the “right” workshops, reading the “right” books, and saying the “right” things. Soon, I thought I was a fairly “evolved” dude. Really, I was just running off spiritualized nice-guy scripts. Ultimately, I was left unfulfilled. 

Then, I found men’s work. I committed to working with a teacher, a coach, a man who would be my mentor.

I spent many lonely nights on my own before I began getting serious about my personal growth.


I showed up. I absorbed. I practiced. I was dedicated.

The work gave me what I needed but never received. I started to rise in leadership and began leading and coaching other men in the growing community of men’s work. Eventually, we grew to create Men’s Wisdom Work, an organization dedicated to men’s work.

There, I helped serve and train hundreds of men in their personal and professional growth journeys.

From all this experience, I know the following to be true:

By exploring our underlying wounds, shadows, and conditioning, doing powerful practices that put us in touch with our deep masculinity, cleaning up our life where we are out of integrity with our values and vision, by expanding the capacity of our emotional body, and most importantly, having the ongoing support of other men who are dedicated to living powerful, fearless lives, we as men can expand infinitely beyond the comfortable limits we have set for ourselves and grow into the men we deeply know ourselves to be.

This is the work.

And… the work works.

It did for me. It can for you.


Get in touch.